RESET Project was launched with an online Kick-Off Meeting
On Wednesday the 23rd of February 2022, the Erasmus+ project RESET – Resources for Post-pandemic Effective Training – was launched with an online Kick-Off Meeting. The Consortium is composed of very experienced Partners: IAL FVG – Applicant (IT); EPIC European Platform for International Cohesion (IT); NLP Aalborg (DK); Aalborg Handelsskole (DK); IHKPROJEKTGESELLSCHAFT MBH (DE); IHF INSTITUT DE HAUTE FORMATION AUX POLITIQUES COMMUNAUTAIRES (BE); INTERNET WEB SOLUTIONS (ES). The Partnership met for the first time, and started the work that will lead to the creation of dedicated tools and trainings for the development of digital pedagogical skills and abilities of VET practitioners.

As highlighted in several reports, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards the digital transition, but at the same time the situation has stressed the gap of digital knowledge and abilities of VET teachers, trainers, coordinators and other staff. Starting from here, RESET will be devoted to the recognition and mapping of digital needs of VET practitioners, in order to create trainings and operational tools making use of the DigCompEdu, the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators.
“To which extent am I able to identify, assess and select digital resources to support and enhance teaching and learning?”. This is just one of the questions that will be used to investigate, develop and implement RESET Project in a practical way, in order to responds to actual digital needs of the VET system.
To know more about digital competences, have a look at DigComp 2.1, the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens.