Enhancing International Visibility: IHF Hosted Its Second FLY Multiplier Event in October 2023 in Brussels
Brussels, Belgium – October 20, 2023. In a dynamic showcase of international network, IHF asbl hosted its second Multiplier Event for the FLY project on October 20, 2023, in Brussels, Belgium.
Designed to resonate internationally, the event welcomed 15 international professionals specialising in education and training. Focused on Adult Education (AE), Lifelong Learning (LLL), finance, and sustainability, the diverse audience included representatives from IHF’s expansive international network, spanning AE institutes to organisations dedicated to social inclusion at both European and national levels.

FLY, a co-funded initiative by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, brings together a consortium of 8 partners from Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, and Turkey. This transformative initiative seeks to empower low-skilled adults through comprehensive financial literacy training.
The event kicked-off with a warm welcome and participant registration, leading into a comprehensive overview of the FLY project with details on partnership, project objectives, goals and impact and sustainability strategies.
The agenda seamlessly transitioned to an exploration of the comprehensive WBS, highlighting key milestones, results, and deliverables, and providing attendees with a vivid understanding of the project’s progressive evolution.
In a session on the project platform, IHF showcased the following key results:
- FLY OER Platform
- FLY Assessment Tool
- FLY Training
- Ethical and Sustainable Finance Report

The interactive nature of the presentation sparked lively discussions. Participants actively engaged in an interactive session, seeking information, exchanging impressions and knowledge, and providing valuable informal feedback.
Participants expressed interest, active engagement, and sincere appreciation for the project’s impactful deliverables. This second IHF Multiplier Event for the FLY project played a pivotal role in fostering international networking, facilitating knowledge exchange, and successfully internationally disseminating the project’s transformative results.
For further details about the FLY project, please visit the project’s website (www.fly-project.eu) or contact IHF at operations@ihfeurope.eu