
IHF asbl successfully concluded the Multiplier Event of the VETGOESRURAL project

IHF asbl successfully concluded the Multiplier Event of the VETGOESRURAL project

On 20 October, 2023, IHF asbl organised a multiplier event to mainstream, give visibility and valorise the results of the Erasmus+ project VETGOESRURAL, which gathers 7 partners from 5 EU countries with the aim of achieve innovation in VET methodologies and approaches to make VET opportunities tailored to the needs and expectations of professionals and learners from isolated rural and remote parts of the EU.

The event saw the participation of 13 people, including target groups and stakeholders playing a strategic role in terms of project’s exploitation and sustainability: practitioners in the field of VET, professionals working for education and training initiatives tailored to rural and remote areas or for the development of rural skills and representatives of the rural communities.

IHF asbl discussed with participants about the “ratio” beyond the VETGOESRURAL project in terms of needs assessment, “missed opportunities”, gaps and challenges preventing rural professional and learners from accessing high quality training or jobs opportunities. A brief presentation of the Consortium and partners’ roles and responsibilities in the project followed immediately after.

Later, IHF asbl showed the audience each project’s results focusing, in particular, on the E-learning course and related resources and how to ensure the continuation of the project’s outcomes through new actions and initiatives. Before the end of the event, IHF asbl guided an open discussion session on how to improve education at rural level and collect valuable feedback. Participants appreciated the VETGOESRURAL Methodology and training resources, being impressed by their quality and richness of contents. This Multiplier Event was not only an opportunity to enhance the transferability of the VETGOESRURAL project and its results, but it represented firstly and foremost a chance to bring together rural communities and educational providers, giving them a proper space for discussion and reciprocal understanding.