Tools and Training for EU Family Enterprises: IHF asbl joined the second online Meeting of VESTA
On March 17th, 2021, IHF asbl joined the second transnational meeting of VESTA, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together six Partners from five countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain). The meeting, originally planned in Brussels, Belgium, was held in online mode due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The main aim of the meeting was the presentation of the Family Enterprise Country Reports (from Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, and EU) including a very detailed analysis from each partner. Indeed, during the first phase of VESTA implementation, partners were focused on the review of policy papers, studies, research, articles, and other relevant sources and resources. The main objective of the research phase was to understand and analyse Family Enterprise’s roles, definitions, regulatory frameworks, quantitative and qualitative indicators and all the relevant trends useful to describe this phenomenon (which contributes to the creation of more than 14 million enterprises and more than 60 million jobs in the EU).
The research phase will allow partners to define what the challenges and the training needs are in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system and then develop a set of tools and trainings available online for free to be delivered to the target group. According to the preliminary results, the common challenges for family businesses currently are:
- Generational hand-over
- Digitalisation
- Safeguarding family’s values and heritage
- Diversification and Internationalisation
VESTA has the objective of supporting the growth and sustaining the competitiveness of family enterprises so that they can strive and continue to play that crucial role of social buffer and economic engine of growth, by developing innovative operational tools and training resources. Within such context, VESTA is devoted to family enterprises, especially those of micro-small size, formal and non-formal VET service providers and representatives of user groups, FE facilitators and members of support associations, media, and to all those who are interested in family business management.
For further information on VESTA and other IHF asbl initiatives: