The LEAP Platform is finally online: a digital repository for the strategic planning of local adult education policies
The LEAP project responds to the need to increase adult participation in formal, non-formal and informal learning set out at local, national and EU level. Given the evidence of a disconnect between the macro level of policy (EU dimension) and the micro level (local/regional dimension), LEAP directly targets local decision-makers and the technical staff of local authorities to ensure they are aware of the importance of AE and that they are prepared to draft impactful local AE policies. To increase policy effectiveness, however, the project encourages cooperation with the wider AE ecosystem and thus also targets the full range of stakeholders involved in AE, such as education providers, learning centres, cultural centres, and the civil society.
So far, LEAP’s strategic partnership has already achieved a major Intellectual Output out of the four formally foreseen and designed during the proposal: the LEAP Open Educational Resource (OER) Platform will guide the EU local policy operators in the domain of Adult Education (AE) and Life Long Learning (LLL) to discover the project, the partnership, the results achieved by the Consortium and the EU and international opportunities to enhance and strengthen local adult education policies.
The users can access LEAP’s OER Platform and its multilanguage results completely for free, no sort of log-in credentials are required, and can remain constantly updated with the project’s achievements by subscribing to the digital Community of Practice published by the Consortium on EPALE.
Each section of the platform is a comprehensive showcase on all tasks concluded by the partnership in a specific time frame and related to essential project’s milestones:

- The “MAPPING” section will present the results emerging from the assessment of such disconnection between the EU framework and practical actions triggered at local and regional level;
- The “TRAINING” section is conceived as a practical and operative toolkit for local policy makers to refine their strategic actions in greater consistency with EU guidelines, international best-practices and case-scenarios so to enhance their understanding of EU priorities and programmes in the domain of AE and LLL;
- The “GUIDANCE” section mainstreams the actionable strategies and operational key-steps to sustain the replicability of the project beyond its natural life-cycle and the organisations that have formally participated in its development (i.e. a sort of legacy left by partners in the hope that many other EU organisations will capitalise and leverage on their experience to achieve similar initiatives, results and impacts).
In the Project, IHF asbl brings its expertise and experience as a key social player in international and European projects. In particular, IHF asbl ensures the “European Dimension” of the Project as it carries out all the technical tasks from a “European Perspective”, i.e. carrying out analysis of relevant EU policies and initiatives; extrapolating EU relevant case studies, lessons learned and best practices.
For further information on LEAP and other IHF asbl initiatives: