SWIFT SME: IO2 – Survey for Primary Assessment
According to the analysts from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, before COVID-19 only 15% of the European workforce was working remotely; the advent of the pandemic hence represents a challenge for those workers who must shift to teleworking.
As part of the SWIFT SME Project, IHF is collecting views and opinions of those workers who experienced the transition towards smart working to gauge their level of preparedness and satisfaction with this innovative way of working.
Your inputs will guide us in the development of training and operational tools for SMEs to embrace smart working more adequately.
In the Project, IHF asbl brings its expertise and experience as a key social player in international and European projects. In particular, IHF asbl ensures the “European Dimension” of the Project as it carries out all the technical tasks from a “European Perspective”, i.e. carrying out analysis of relevant EU policies and initiatives; extrapolating EU relevant case studies, lessons learned and best practices.
For more information on the SWIFT SME project, please visit: http://www.swiftsme.eu/
Thank you in advance for your collaboration.