
Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation: SUPER Project

The SUPER project was co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education – and was aimed at overcoming barriers to entrepreneurship and supporting business incubation.


The Project, launched on September 1st 2015 and just closed, was implemented by 6 partners coming from 6 countries: Belgium, Italy, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Spain.


Partners developed a Toolkit to support Higher Education Institutes in providing tutoring and incubation services for aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as training resources and operational tools to help students to develop their entrepreneurial initiatives.


Project results and detailed description of the SUPER model are freely available on the Project website, where is also possible to find contacts, ask for information, share experiences and deepen the possible model applications.

Thanks to its proven experience, IHF asbl was the responsible of Dissemination activities to ensure the widest visibility to the Project. Moreover, IHF was involved in the Toolkit development, in the development of training resources as well as in test and validation activities.

For further information on the SUPER Project and IHF asbl activities:

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