Local Adult Education Policy: The LEAP project has been approved!
September 14th, 2020
The Slovak Erasmus+ National Agency communicated the approval of the LEAP proposal, under the KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education.
The main aim of LEAP is to contribute to attaining the target of 15% participation rate of adults in learning as stated in Europe 2020 Strategy. In order to do so, better policies on adult education need to be promoted. The LEAP Consortium will develop learning tools targeted to local authorities in order to empower them in understanding and appreciating the importance of adult education and being prepared to draft local adult education (and/or skills) policy.
Furthermore, LEAP will produce:
1) An Open Education Resource Online Platform. It will provide the visibility оf LEАP and entry to the Community of Practice in the dоmаin оf lоcаl АE pоlicy.
2) Report on Trends and Dynamics in Local AE Policy Making. The mаpping of situation in project countries (cоmmоn methоdоlоgy, research, report on findings) will highlight the opportunities in local policy making for inclusion of adult education.
3) Toolkit for policy-makers, including a training module. The Toolkit will be an organised body of knowledge in the domains of the local policy making and adult education. The attention will be drawn to potential topics for civic education on local level / case studies in climate change, digital skills, health education – pandemia threats.
4) Guide on local adult policy making. It will be a very practical tool, a template for drafting of a simple local policy document, applied in practice and produced local policy documents.
LEAP will be co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission and will last 24 months between 2020/22. The project has been submitted and will be implemented by a partnership of seven organisations from six European countries (Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Spain).
In the project, IHF will provide technical, operational and management contributions, being involved in all activities and “stages” of implementation to contribute to the production of deliverables and outputs. Moreover, IHF will be proactively involved in securing the engagement of target groups and stakeholders in project activities throughout the most relevant stages of analysis, development and deployment and piloting.
For further information on LEAP and other IHF asbl initiatives:
www.ihfeurope.eu |