
What are the EU Grant Funding Programmes and how do they work?

Which activities can I finance with those EU grants?

How do I develop a sound proposal to request EU Grants?

Developing a proposal and structuring an international consortium

Master Class in European Grants and Funding Programmes

More than 300 funding strands with a yearly budget of more than 20 billion Euros for companies, universities, local authorities, NGOs and research centres: this is the framework of the EU Grant Funding Programmes managed directly by the European Union.  Potential beneficiaries are not aware of such opportunities or often lack the capacity to develop winning proposals.

The MasterClass is designed to provide participants with the techniques and methodologies to develop sound proposals.  The five-day specialised course will empower participants to:

  • Understand the role of EU Institutions
  • Identify the most suitable channels to mobilise EU funding and other opportunities
  • Locate and monitor the reliable sources of information for opportunities with the EU
  • Develop their own project idea
  • Mobilise international partners for their project consortia
  • Draw and submit a sound proposal

The MasterClass is based on 30 years of direct experience in EU funding and proven track record in developing winning proposals and managing EU funded projects.  The MasterClass combines theory and practice with two practical workshops that allow participants to simulate the development of a proposal and the evaluation phase.

As a follow-up to the MasterClass, participants will be accompanied with monitoring and coaching services for a period of four weeks after completion of the training.

More than 140 organisations attended the MasterClass with high levels of satisfaction: 93% of participants rated the course “above expectations”.