Rethink Finance project: beginning of the Intensive Summer Programme for economics students “FinTech: digital finance and blockchain
20 June 2022
From 15-25 June 2022, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, hosts the first summer programme of the project “ReThink Finance – integrating innovative paradigms and digital technologies into financial teaching and literacy”.
On this occasion, students from Italy, Poland and Romania will benefit from lectures and training hosted by international professors to increase students’ accessibility to valuable and topical information specific to the financial field to align their skills with the tangible requirements of the labour market.
IHF contributes in the project supporting the universities in preparing the training material and developing training materials on the innovative topics of behavioral finance and neurofinance.
Rethink finance is a three-year project financed by the European Union in the action Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education and it gathers 6 partners from 5 countries (RO, IT, PL, ES, BE).
To know more about the project, please consult the project website:
#rethinkfinance #erasmusplus #highereducation