The main objective of the project “DEVELOPING SPORT ADMINISTRATION COMPETENCES (ADMINS)” addresses the need of fostering the job-related skills and competences of sports administration employees, who in turn strengthen the capacities of sports organisations and contribute to better governance in sports. Having recognized the importance of sport regarding the physical and psychological well-being of an individual, European Union has started incorporating sport into EU policies and initiatives. The European Commission’s Communication “Developing the European Dimension in Sport”, published in January 2011, proposed concrete actions related to societal role of sport which covers issues that directly affect the citizens, the economic dimension of sport, and the organisation of sport, which covers the aspects dealing with the political and legal framework for the sport sector.
As it was mentioned in the Principles of good governance in sport, it is of great importance to attract new generations of administrators, as well as technology and IT. Like many other professions today, administrative employees of sport organisations are not only “administrators”, because their job position requires a wide range of knowledge and competences.
To ensure a real European dimension, project “Developing Sport Administration Competences (ADMINS) has confirmed a strategic partnership with one sport confederation, one sport association, two academic institutions and two NGO’s with rich experience in sport projects. Throughout the course of the past two years, the ADMINS strategic partnership collaborated to the development of training resources and education material aimed at re-igniting sense of initiative and entrepreneurial attitude of Sport organisations employees or aspiring to be. The training curricula is composed of six modules developed by partnership’s organisations and peer reviewed by colleagues. Each module has distinctive and unique features, while sharing commonalities in the sense of rigour in academic approach and practice oriented learning outcomes. The structure of the whole training curricula is as follows:
Please check the official website for full access to the courses
Module 1 Sport’s Law
European Union institutions and funding policies
Historical development of the European UnionInstitutions of the European UnionThe role of institutions for supranational organizationsResponsibilities of EU institutionsThe relationship between the European Union and the Member States
Explain the historical development of the European UnionDistinguish the Institutions of the European UnionExplain the role of institutions for supranational organizationsExplain the responsibilities of the EU institutionsExplain the relationship between the European Union and the Member States
Legal acts of the European Union
EU primary lawEU secondary lawIndividual decisions by EU institutions
Distinguish between primary and secondary EU lawGive examples of recourse avenues against individual decisions by EU institutions
Sports Law
Sources of sports law, including EU lawPrivate versus public law regulation in sports sectorRelationship between rules of private and public origin in sports Effect of EU law over the sportsSports institutionsCourt of Arbitration in Sports (CAS): competence and procedureProtecting intellectual property in sportsRelevance of law in sports in general and in managing sports organisations in particular
Name sources of sports law and distinguish different categoriesProvide arguments for public and arguments for private law regulation in sports sector Provide examples of the relationship between rules of private and public origin in sportsList type of EU rules which affect sportsDifferentiate and provide examples of sports institutions Explain competence of the CAS Describe the arbitration procedure before the CASProvide examples of intellectual property rights in sportsExplain the role of law in sports, including in managing sports organisations
Module 2 Marketing in Sport
The Basics of Marketing
Definition of marketingMarket characteristics, types and structuresBusiness components on the market: product, customer, vendor, exchange and activity systems
Pronounce the definition of marketingIdentify markets, their characteristics, types and structuresIdentify key business components in the market.
Introduction to Sports Marketing
Definition of sports marketingDevelopment of the marketing profession in sportsThe sport industry modelConsolidation in the sports industrySports market – key features, types and structuresBusiness components in the sports market: product, customer, vendor, exchange and activity systems in sportsSegmentation of the sports market
Pronounce the definition of sports marketingExplain the pace of development of a marketing profession in sportsDefine the model of the sports industryDefine the consolidation process in the sports industryIdentify the term sport market.Define key business components in the sports marketSegment the sports market.
Application of Marketing in sports
Implementation of marketing concepts and processes in the
Explain the process of implementing marketing
Module 3 Basic of Sport Management
Sports events categories
Categorization of sports eventsEvent Bidding Event Hosting
Identify and describe the categories of sports eventsManage event bidding Manage event hosting
Organization of sports events
Sports events organization processRisk management
Define the process of organization of a sports eventManage the risks
Sports events balance sheet
Sport event balance sheetRevenues and expenses of sports eventsCalculation and monitoring economic effectsEvaluation of sports events
Explain and create a balance sheet of a sport eventCalculate the incomes and expenses of a sports eventsCalculate and evaluate the economic effects of a sports eventsAssess the success of a sports events
Trends in sports and sports tourism
Trends in sports and sports tourism
Explain and manage trends in sports and sports tourism
Community organization for the development of sport tourism
(Social) community analysisSWOT analysis of (social) community
Explain the types of community organizations for the
Module 4 The EU projects and Funding
Knowledge about Erasmus+ Programme Break down of the Programme in key concepts, skills, priorities, and values Erasmus+ Key Actions to let the newly applicants run for the right call for proposals
Much more than mobility: 3 decades of the Programme General objectives Specific objectives General key concepts Specific key concepts Characteristics of the Programme Practical activities KA1: Learning mobility of individuals KA2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions KA3: Support to policy development and cooperation E+ Sport: Actions in the field of sport Admissibility criteria
Promote learning mobility of sport staff, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policiesPromote non-formal and informal learning mobility and active participation among young people, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of youthPromote learning mobility of individuals and groups, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training
Module 5 Business Correspondence
Business communication and business culture
The concept of business communication and business culture Work culture and behavioural cultureAttitude towards superiors, other employees and clientsWork discipline and addressing among employees
Explain the concept of business communication, business culture and business etiquetteDescribe work culture and behavioural cultureDescribe the relationship with superiors, other employees and clientsExplain work discipline and addressing between employees
Verbal and nonverbal communication
The concept of verbal communicationThe importance of verbal communication in human relationshipsThe concept of paraverbal communicationCharacteristics of paraverbal communication in a telephone conversationParaverbal features of electronic communication
Explain the concept of verbal communicationRecognize the importance of verbal communication in human relationshipsExplain the concept of paraverbal communicationList the characteristics of paraverbal communication in a telephone conversationUse paraverbal features of electronic communication
Nonverbal communication
The concept of nonverbal communicationBody languageInfluence of body language on communicationFalse recognition techniquesSimple techniques of communication empathy
Explain the concept of nonverbal communicationEvaluate interlocutors according to body languageDistinguish the stated untruth in communicationUse simple communication empathy techniques
Written business communication
The concept of business written business communicationBasic principles of written business communicationStyles in written business communicationRules for writing a business letterEnveloping and addressing of written items – terms and rules
Explain the concept and state the basic principles of written business communicationList styles in written business communicationApply the rules of writing a business letterDescribe enveloping and addressing written itemsApply the rules of enveloping and addressing written items
Business trips and meetings
Preparation and organization of business tripTravel order and business trip reportThe concept, types and ways of organizing meetingsBusiness correspondence related to meetings and gatherings – invitation to the meeting, minutes from the meeting
Explain the preparation and organization of a business tripPrepare a travel order and business trip reportExplain the concept, types and ways of organizing meetingsList the corresponding acts related to meetings and gatheringsPrepare an invitation to the meeting and minutes of the meeting
Module 6 Office Management in Sport organisations
Introduction to office operations of sports organizations
The concept of office business in sports organizationsAdministrative affairs and work environment in sports organizationsMeans of work and consumables in sports organizationsOffice business functions in sports organizations
Explain the concept of office business in sports organizationsList administrative tasks and describe the work environment in sports organizationsList the means of work and consumables in sports organizationsList the functions of office operations in sports organizations
Basic concepts of office business
Archives – concept and functionDocument / documentation – monitoring proceduresElectronic document – management proceduresElectronic document – management proceduresWritten (submission or act) – receipt procedureAttachment – receipt procedureFile (subject) – management proceduresDossier – the process of grouping items within a dossierNumerical designations – plan of classification designations and registration number
Explain the concept and function of the office and archivesSpecify procedures for monitoring documents / documentationSpecify procedures for managing electronic documentsSpecify procedures for managing electronic documentsExplain receipt of lettersExplain the procedure for receiving attachmentsSpecify file management proceduresExplain the process of grouping cases within a fileDescribe the plan of classification marks and explain the registration number
Processes in office business
Receipt, opening and inspection of shipmentsWriting lettersDelivery of writs to workUse of seals, stamps and stamps
Conduct receipt, opening and inspection of shipmentsPrepare writing lettersDemonstrate delivery of writs to workDemonstrate the use of seals, stamps and stamps
Organization of meetings in sports organizations
Preparation of a business meeting in a sports organizationCoordination of a business meeting in a sports organization
Describe and conduct the preparation of a business meeting in a sports organizationCoordinate a business meeting in a sports organization
Administrative obligations of sports entities
Communication with membership in the sports community and the county professional associationControl of payment of administrative fees and chargesAnnual inventory procedureCash register and cash register reportControl of liabilities and receivables
Explain the entry in the registerCoordinate communication with membership in the sports community and the county professional associationExplain the control of the payment of administrative fees and chargesConduct an annual asset inventory procedureExplain the cash register and the cash register reportExplain the control of liabilities and receivables
Personal data in sports organizations
General Data Protection RegulationIdentification of personal data in the business and information systemPolicies and procedures related to personal data protection
Explain the general regulation on data protectionExplain and apply the identification of personal data in the business and information systemInterpret policies and procedures related to personal data protection
Archiving and storage of archival material
Regulations applicable in archivingObligations of the holder and creator of archival materialRecords managementProcedures in archival businessUse and availability of archival materialThe procedure of handing over archival material to the competent archive
List the regulations that apply in archivingState the obligations of the holder and creator of the archive materialExplain record managementList the procedures in the archival businessExplain the use and availability of archival materialExplain the procedure for handing over archival material to the competent archive