
The House of Workability and in-detail assessment at international level of key ability-to-work drivers:

The AKKUEurope experience so far

At the beginning of June, the AKKU’s partnership gathered together during the second transnational project meeting (TPM) of the AKKU project to discuss more in details the concrete steps needed to finalise and consolidate the toolbox for workability: a very comprehensive and detailed set of resources that targets (i.e., micro-entrepreneurs and admin staff of MSMEs) can leverage on to assess, analyse and foster working conditions and overall organisation climate of their firms.

The aforementioned classification includes means that are instrumentals in strengthening the ability-to-work’s experience in terms of:

  • Employees’ health and performance
  • Knowledge, professional skills (competence)
  • Values, attitudes, motivation
  • Work environment, work organization, leadership

In total, we clustered more than 30 tools that provides for significant insights, recommendations and To-Dos to enhance work-ability conditions at micro-enterprise dimension.

These resources have been extrapolated from scientific literature and trustworthy sources (i.e., medical and management journals) so as to compile our toolbox with up-to-date and state of art knowledge on the matter.

Each partner was responsible of carrying out an assessment at national level – at exception of the Belgian partner IHF, which look into EU and international sources – to take stock of consolidated and robust work ability-related publications and materials.

After a first round of desk research, each tool has been further classified based on:

  • Target group of reference (i.e., management and / or employees)
  • Branch / sector, and domain of interest (i.e., remote working)
  • Aims and objectives
  • Content’s description
  • Benefits
  • Supporting format (i.e., paper vs digital version)
  • Link to the House of Workability: CRITERIA vs LEVEL
  • Source and bibliography

The Second TPM represented a great opportunity for all partners to evaluate internally at consortium level current progresses and achieved results. Most importantly, partners took this opportunity to agree on the final outline of the toolbox in terms of content, structure and usability. To know more about the background, scale and scope of the AKKU project, please visit: