The fourth transnational work meeting of the EU project Du Motion held in Turkey

Representatives of seven countries, gathered in the European project “Du Motion” which aims to educate volunteers in the organization of national and international sports competitions, held their fourth transnational work meeting on July 5 and 6 in the Turkish city of Sakarya, hosted by the Kargenc Club.
The topic of the meeting was a recapitulation of trainings conducted by organizations from Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Turkey and Croatia in recent weeks in their home countries.
Through these trainings the volunteers got acquainted with all aspects of organizing a large sports event, from logistic service, event and venue management to the organization of competitions and the very current topic of COVID-19’s impact on sports events.
All partners agreed with the assessment of the well suited format of volunteer education and the sustainability of the whole project. They also agreed that the Handbook developed by the project partners is a great tool to pass on to volunteers but also to sport clubs and organizations eager to educate their volunteers in the future.
Volunteers who have been trained as part of the “Du Motion” project must volunteer on at least one national and one international competition by the end of the year. The best among them will become the Project Ambassadors of their countries at the Final Event in April 2022 in Dubrovnik.
The details of the Final Event will be discussed by the project partners at the next work meeting, scheduled for January 2022 in Italy.
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