
REACT: Boost Women’s Entrpreneurial Skills in Europe – February 11, 2020



On February 11th 2020, IHF attended the first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of REACT – Re-asses and Act On Cross Competences – in Lecce (IT), a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme that involves 7 Partners from 4 Countries, i.e. Belgium, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

REACT aims at creating a set of simple and user friendly fiches for women in Europe and empower them in using new Innovative tools to encourage their return to the labour market and hence create smart entrepreneurship skills i.e. creativity and ability to think out of the box, learning to set realistic business goals and work upon them efficiently in order to drive an effectively and lucratively business.

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After a brief presentation, Partners discussed the administrative aspects of the project, the future OER platform for the mainstreaming of REACT content in the EU territory, plus dissemination, exploitation and visibility and the next steps to be taken in the future.


For further information on REACT and IHF:

IHF Website:

LinkedIn: IHF Europe

IHF Facebook: IHF Europe


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