
Preserving Traditional Arts & Crafts: IHF in Poland for the ARTCademy Project Funded by Erasmus +


May 13th 2019

IHF joined the International consortium of the ARTCademy Project for the second meeting in Krakow hosted by AGH University of Science and Technology. Together with 9 partners from 7 Countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain), IHF advanced the implementation of the ARTCademy Project that treasures the European craftsmanship sector by preserving ancestral knowledge and providing artisans and crafts with business tools and skills to strive.


At the meeting, Partners further developed the CRAFTpedia, the repository of artisan knowledge of craft techniques, trade and traditions of possibly soon-to-disappear jobs and crafts.

The ARTCademy Project establishes operational links between the world of education & training and the world of work embedding also the social and educational value of European cultural heritage as the project will preserve traditional knowledge about artisan professions.

Partners will develop concrete training for micro and craft enterprises combining cultural/artisanal knowledge with business and operational capacity.

Established in Brussels in 2003, IHF is an NGO active in European integration. In ARTCademy, IHF brings its technical competence in entrepreneurship and operational capacity in dissemination and exploitation.


For further information about ARTCademy and other IHF initiatives:

IHF Website:

LinkedIn: IHF Europe

IHF Facebook: IHF Europe
