
The TESEUS Website, an Erasmus+ Project, Is Officially Online!

15th of February, 2019 – The TESEUS Project website has been launched and it’s now available at

The website is one of the main communication tools and it includes different sections as:

• Mapping: it involves directly the target groups (IVET mentors/coaches and students) to ensure that training developed is relevant, timely and concretely linked to their specific needs

• Toolkit: it is the main result of the TESEUS project, comprising guidelines, set of case studies, Best Practices and Lessons Learned, checklists, set of actionable recommendations and tools to design, establish and manage efficient mechanisms for start-up promotion and Firm Creation mechanism in IVET

• Glossary and News of the Project

TESEUS is a Project funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme, bringing together 8 partners from Belgium, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. The Project aims in promoting the creation of start-ups and enterprises in IVET environments by creating tools for teachers/mentors to nurture the entrepreneurial talent of IVET students, by improving cooperation between IVET institutions and business world, providing students with innovative and accessible tools to develop their entrepreneurship skills and by equipping IVET students and IVET teaching staff with competences and knowhow necessary to create real start-ups during professional training. The main target group of the Project is represented by students and teachers/mentors.

In TESEUS, IHF asbl will ensure the “European Dimension” of TESEUS as it will carry out analysis of relevant EU policies, trends and initiatives and it will extrapolate EU relevant case studies, Lessons Learned and Best Practices. Moreover, IHF will guarantee a presence of TESEUS in Brussels from a dissemination perspective and it will coordinate Partner’s efforts to ensure the widest possible visibility to the Project.

For further information about TESEUS Project and IHF asbl:



LinkedIn: IHF asbl


The TESEUS Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.