
The MICRO OER Platform Demo is now available on YouTube!

MICRO – Enhancing Competitiveness of Microenterprises in rural areas is a Project co-funded by the European Programme Erasmus+, Key Action 2, Vocational Education and Training, and is carried out by a transnational consortium which involves six countries (Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia and Spain)

MICRO developed 39 training courses in 5 different languages, for a total of 195 courses under 10 different categories and made available in multilingual versions and for free access on the dedicated Open Educational Resource:

Training was tailored on the needs of microenterprises in rural areas to enhance their competitiveness and support their growth in Europe and was built upon the findings of primary and secondary research that partners carried out in 6 countries to gauge needs and preferences of microenterprises in rural areas.

The OER Platform Demo is a very valuable 4 minutes videoguide which helps users to browse the OER Platform in order to find out information about the MICRO Project (background, objectives, activities, results), information about the partners and their activities as well as to fully access MICRO’s training courses.

Given the high number of training courses developed, the videoguide is particularly helpful to enhance accessibility and ensure everyone can benefit from MICRO training and choose the most relevant topic for its own needs.

The OER Platform Demo is available at

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