Lecture 1

– The EU Budget and Funding Opportunities: Structural Funds Vs EU Funding Programmes

– The EU Institutions: structure and role in EU Funding Programmes

– EU Procurement: commercial and business opportunities through EU Tenders

– EU Funding Programmes: overview and general rules

– The 2021-2027 Programming Cycle

– Documentation: Call for Proposals, Work Programme and Form:

– Official Sources of Information

Lecture 2

– The Lifecycle of EU Funded Projects: the various stages from idea to project

– Project Life-Cycle: identification and appraisal

– Project Life-Cycle: proposal drafting, analysis of the Application Form

– Project Life-Cycle: submission, evaluation and negotiation.  The Grant Agreement

– Project Life-Cycle: managing the approved project and the closing stage

– Zoom-in on Horizon Europe, the Research & Innovation Programme: a practitioner’s perspective since FP5

Case studies: reference to real-life case scenarios of proposals, projects and consortia

Lecture 3

– How to Write a Sound Proposal: methodologies and tools

– Context and Objectives

– Results, Deliverables and International Consortium

– Planning: Work Breakdown Structure and Work Packages

– Resources and Budgeting

– The Evaluation: the perspective of the proposer.  Analysis of Evaluation Summary Reports

Workshop: participants are grouped into Teams and will simulate the development of a proposal.  The Workshop is based on a real Call for Proposal and Work Programme.  Teams will use a simplified Form developed specifically for this workshop.  Teams will work under the supervision and guidance of the trainers.

Lecture 4

– The Evaluation 2: the perspective of the evaluator.  How is the evaluation stage structured, who are the evaluators and how they “think”?

– Shock Therapy: participants present their work and simulate the evaluation phase.  Teams assess proposals using the tools of the evaluators.

– Wrap-up and Conclusions