
IHF in Hannover (DE) the Kick-Off Meeting of DIVERSITY, an Erasmus+ Project – November 28, 2019

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On November 28th, 2019, in Hannover, IHF participated in the Kick Off Meeting of DIVERSITY – Including Migrants through Organisational Development and Programme Planning in Adult Education – a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission which gathers 7 Partners from 6 countries, i.e. Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland and Italy.

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The principal objective of the project is to accompany the EU AE system in the mentality shift from focusing on migrants as very specific target groups and preparing them for integration into the society around them.

At the meeting, Partners briefly introduced themselves and discussed several topics including the various Intellectual Outputs related to the education of migrants, dissemination and exploitation activities specifically handled by IHF and Quality Assurance for the correct and smooth carrying out of the meeting.


For further information on DIVERSITY and other IHF initiatives:

IHF Website:

LinkedIn: IHF Europe

IHF Facebook: IHF Europe


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